Why Dextronix?
Despite almost 200 million owned pets in the US, only a small number of companies offer medical implantable devices for veterinary use. The standard that is for humans is often not available for companion animals. This is changing.
Dextronix is filling this gap by providing the veterinary specialists working in cardiology, critical/emergency care and practitioners working in interventional radiology the latest technologies for implantable products to improve the health of the animals we love.
The team of veterinarians and engineers behind Dextronix have profound experience in veterinary healthcare and in the medical device manufacturing industry. With subsidiaries in France and Germany, our main headquarter is in Portland, Oregon, USA with locations in Sacramento, San Diego California and Phoenix, Arizona. Our products are manufactured exclusively in the Germany and France.
Our Mission:
What We’re All About
Dextronix creates affordable implantable medical devices for the exclusive use in veterinary medicine. The company’s initial focus was on the treatment of heart disease in dogs with permanent implantable pacemaker systems. Dextronix then also offers selected stent and catheter products to treat a variety of problems in cats and dogs. Since 2013 Dextronix expanded into wireless digital diagnostic monitoring equipment with focus on cardiology, airway management and urology.
Our products are designed to improve the health of companion animals and therefore enriching the lives of pets and their owners. Utilizing well-established technologies and quality standards from the human medical device industry assures that our products are of the highest quality and reliability.

Medical Device Manufacturing
In France we share locations with our implantable device manufacturer BS-MTI. There we specialize on new interventional device development, engineering and manufacturing for human and veterinary medicine. The core competences include catheter, occluder, balloon, polymer and metal stent fabrication.