Dextronix is excited to help sponsor The Japanese Society of Veterinary Interventional Radiology (JSVIR) introductory course in Interventional Radiology (IVR) January 11-12. This comprehensive workshop is designed for practitioners who are considering incorporating IVR techniques into their practice.
There will be two dry lab courses - the first being an introduction to IVR and will teach participants how to install a sheath introducer using the Seldinger technique, how to prepare various catheters and guidewires, and how to insert a Huber point needle into a port. Veterinarians who have not yet experienced IVR are encouraged to participate. The second dry lab will focus on tracheal and urethral stenting and go over the entire procedures from start to finish.
The conference will take place at the Nihon University College of Bioresource Sciences Shonan Campus.
Click here to learn more about JSVIR and the conferences they are hosting