Connections and camaraderie marked the Bio on the Rocks gathering last week at The Porter Hotel in downtown Portland! The program featured engaging lightning-round introductions from hashtag#ORBioMembers Acumen Executive Search, Andersen Construction, Cedar Life Sciences Sciences Consulting, Velanidi Technologies LLC, GrovTec Machining, HP, Dextronix, Inc., and Elliott, Powell, Baden & Baker Inc. A special thanks to Jeff Stell, E.M.P.A. C.G.B.P. for his insightful overview of Business Oregon’s resources for the life science sector.
The evening kicked off with a well-attended Oregon Bio Women (OBW) meetup – look for more OBW - Bio On pairings in 2025.
hashtag#OregonBio hashtag#Networking hashtag#LifeSciences hashtag#BioOnTheRocks